Apple Duckhead (New Genuine Apple) for NZ & Australia
Apple AC Power Duckhead/Duck Head Adapter for NZ/Australia
Brand new Genuine Apple Service Part in OEM packaging
Head Only - No Cable
A.X922-8629 X922-8629 607-2807 apple duckhead for New Zealand Apple adapter for New Zealand Apple adapter for Australia Apple duck head for New Zealand Apple duckhead for Australia Apple duck head for Australia
Used for replacing foreign duckheads to use in New Zealand and Australian power sockets, so great for travellers coming to New Zealand or Australia. Should also work in Fiji, and in some other parts of the world that use the same plug socket.
Also suitable for replacing old ones, or having as a spare.
Suitable for:
- All Apple Mac power adapters that take a duckhead connector
- All Apple iPhone iPad and iPod power adapters that take a separate duckhead connector
A.X922-8629 / X922-8629 / 607-2807